License and professional qualification

Statistical data of Macao Social Workers (Data source :Social Welfare Bureau)
Statistics of the number of people holding various types of Macau driving licenses (Data source : Transport Bureau)
Statistical data of driving instructors (Data source: Transport Bureau)
Statistical data of aviation personnel instructors (Data source: Civil Aviation Authority)
Statistical data of aviation personnel certificate tests (Data source: Civil Aviation Authority)
Statistical data of the number of people having a seamen’s certificate (registered seamen) (Data source: Marine and Water Bureau)
Statistics of completion of training courses(include lifeguard and cabin attendants) (Data source: Marine and Water Bureau)
Statistics of the number of people holding effective yachtsmen’s licenses (Data source: Marine and Water Bureau)
Statistics of Effective “Radio Operator License-Amateur” (Data source: Post and Telecommunications Bureau)
Statistical data of Macau residents working as private security guards (Data source: Public Security Police Force)
Statistical data of Effective Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (Data source: Professional Association of Macau Anti-Money Launderers)
Statistical Analysis on Holders of Amateur Radio Operating Personnel Licence
Statistical Analysis on Macao Holders of Security Personnel Licence
Statistical Analysis on Seaman’s Registration Card Holders and Pleasure Boat Drivers
Statistical Analysis on Holders of Aviation Personnel Licences in Macao
Statistical Analysis on Driving Licence Holders and Driving Instructors in Macao